
Obala sv. Nikole 31, Baška Voda +385(0)21 620713 info@baskavoda.hr
6. jul. 2023

Responsible holidays - informative leaflet

In order to inform all tourists about responsible behavior and proper reactions in the summer period, you can download the informative leaflet in Croatian and English "RESPONSIBLE HOLIDAYS" at the link below.

14. jul. 2021

Conditions for travelling to and through Slovenia

On the following link from Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs:
it is published that starting from 15th July 2021, till 15th August all travellers passing through Slovenia must have either EU digital COVID passport, either one of health certificates about COVID status (negative PCR or antigen test or vaccination certificate, or certificate of recovering from COVID not older than 8 months).

However, the exception is for travellers who will pass through Slovenia within 12 hours. 
The nearest place for taking the tests is in Makarska. All information about it is in previous articles published here,.

3. jun. 2021

COVID-19 testing in Makarska

It is possible to take COVID-19 tests in Makarska. The address is: Stjepana Ivičevića 2 (Dom zdravlja Makarska - hospital, west parking).

Applying for COVID-19 testing is possible only via the following link: https://prijavnicentar.hr/en_US/testiranje/split 

PCR test
The price is 400,00 kn. The price for results in English is 450,00 kn.
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 07.00 to 08.30 AM
Results: sent by e-mail
Approximate time for results: 24- 48 hours

Fast antigen test
The price is 150,00 kn.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: from 10.30 to 11.00 AM and from 11.30 to 12.00 AM. Saturday: from 09.30 to 11.00 AM
Results: on the spot
Approximate time for results: 30 to 60 minutes

Payment is possible only via the account of Teaching Institute of Public Health of Split-Dalmatia County
IBAN (account number): HR3823400091100180529 (Privredna banka)
Reference number: Personal Identification Number or ID number

It is necessary to show the printed payment record...

13. maj 2021

PDF infographics with 5 entry requirement options

We cannot wait to welcome you to our beautiful country and are dedicated to keeping you, our people and other visitors as safe as possible, so you can explore with peace of mind. To support this we ask that you fulfil and evidence 1 of the following 5 criteria to be allowed access to Croatia. Below you can find the criteria in PDF infographics in various languages.


Enter Croatia
Dalmatia tourist board
Trip Advisor
PPS 365
Stay safe in Croatia