
Obala sv. Nikole 31, Baška Voda +385(0)21 620713 info@baskavoda.hr

The cemetery of St. Joseph, situated at the Three roads, in the area called Vrisovina, replaced the old cemetery by the coast near Borik, from which the last remains were relocated in the 1980s. The Chapel of St. Joseph was built in 1986, and the author of the project is Željko Jurišić. The chapel is decorated with two stained glass windows behind the altar from 2005, and a large crucifix made in the technique of stained glass from 2007, all works of the artist Miroslav Klarić. The cemetery is most impressive on All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, November 1st and 2nd, when thousands of lights are lit across graves, in memory of loved ones.

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