
Obala sv. Nikole 31, Baška Voda +385(0)21 620713 info@baskavoda.hr
30.06.2023 - 05.07.2023

rganized by the Association of Veterans of the Military Police of the 72nd Battalion, Split, a fair of local products and antiques will be held in the center of Baška Voda called 'Only Croatian' from 30th of June till 5th of July. There will be numerous exhibitors from all over Croatia, with a wide range of local products - from natural cosmetics and gastronomic specialties of Croatian small producers through various types of art and antiques to souvenirs and jewelry. The famous Croatian singer Marko Škugor will perform at the opening of the fair on 30th of June 2023. at 09.00 pm.

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