
Obala sv. Nikole 31, Baška Voda +385(0)21 620713 info@baskavoda.hr
Free guided tour around Baška Voda
01.06.2024 - 30.09.2024

Free guided tour around Baška Voda

Join us on the free guided tour around Baška Voda every Thursday.

The tour is based on a unique story about Baška Voda; the interesting stories about...

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica continues its program on 1st of August (Thursday) at 8:30 p.m. with Body & face painting, a disco evening and a...

Dalmatian chanson night in Baška Voda

Dalmatian chanson night in Baška Voda

Dalmatian chanson concert is going to take place on the main square in the centre of Baška Vodaon 2nd of August 2024. (Friday) at 09.00 p.m.

The day before the Victory Day - fishermen night and concert - POSTPONED

The day before the Victory Day - fishermen night and concert - POSTPONED

Every year, traditionally, in the centre of Promajna there is a big fishermen night and the concert the day before the Victory day, on 4th of August...

Victory Day celebration

Victory Day celebration

Victory Day celebration will take place in the centre of Baška Voda, on 5th of August at 09:00 p.m. with the concert of Dyaco band and fireworks. 

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

On 7th of August 2024. (Wednesday) at 08.30 p.m. in the ex health resort atrium in Krvavica, the theatrical play "Zašto baš sad?" (eng. Why know?" by...

Concert in Baška Voda

Concert in Baška Voda

Adastra bend is going to perform on the main square in the centre of Baška Voda, on 9th of August 2024. (Friday) at 09.00 p.m. 

Fishermen night in Bratuš

Fishermen night in Bratuš

Fishermen night in the village of Bratuš is going to take place on 13th of August 2024. (Tuesday) at 08.00 p.m. accompanied by Surprise band. 

Fishermen night and the concert of Lidija Bačić in Promajna

Fishermen night and the concert of Lidija Bačić in Promajna

Fishermen night and the concert of famous Croatian singer Lidija Bačić is going to be on 14th of August 2024. (Wednesday) in the centre of Promajna...

Assumption day - Klapa Iskon concert

Assumption day - Klapa Iskon concert

On the occasion of the Assumption day, on August 15, 2024 (Thursday), the concert of klapa Iskon (Croatian vocal group) is going to take place in the...

St.Roch day - open air party in Bast

St.Roch day - open air party in Bast

Traditionally, on the occasion of the St. Roch day, on August 16, 2024. (Friday) there is open air party with Dalmatian food and drinks including live...

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

On Saturday, 17th of August 2024. on the terrace of ex health resort in Krvavica the restoration workshop by Sven Laušić is going to be held at 08.00...

Croatian veterans' local product fair
20.08.2024 - 24.08.2024

Croatian veterans' local product fair

Croatian veterans' local product fair "Only Croatian" is going to be held again at the seafront in Baška Voda from 20th to 24th of August 2024. (from...

Fishermen night in Bratuš

Fishermen night in Bratuš

Fishermen night accompoanied by Surprise band is going to be on 20th of August 2024. (Tuesday) starting from 08.00 p.m. in the village of Bratuš.

Promajna firefighters' night and fishermen night

Promajna firefighters' night and fishermen night

Promajna firefighters' night and fishermen night is going to be on 21st of August 2024. (Wednesday) at 08.00 p.m in the centre of Promajna. Taste...

Concert in Baška Voda - Neno Belan

Concert in Baška Voda - Neno Belan

Neno Belan is going to perform the concert in the centre of Baška Voda on 23rd of August 2024. (Friday) at 09.00 p.m. in the centre of Baška Voda.

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

Festival KUK - culture in Krvavica

On 26th of August 2024 (Monday) in the old village Beroši (in Krvavica) the workshop for children and adults "Black and white Dalmatian dog" by Tina...

FIshermen night in Bratuš

FIshermen night in Bratuš

Fishermen night in Bratuš is going to be on 27th of August 2024 (Tuesday) at 08.00 p.m.

Promenade concert in Promajna

Promenade concert in Promajna

Specijalci band is going to perform in the centre of Promajna on 28th of August 2024 (Wednesday) at 09.00 p.m.

Taste Croatia fair - 2nd part
30.08.2024 - 31.08.2024

Taste Croatia fair - 2nd part

2nd part of Taste Croatia fair is going to be on 30th and 31st of August 2024 (Friday and Saturday) at the seafront in Baška Voda starting from 07.00...

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